Sunday, October 23, 2016

Busting Through That Series TBR List

Trying not to pat myself on the back too much, but guys I am making such good progress on my "finishing up all the series" list!!!

(If you're looking for a WIP update, go back one entry.  This one is all about reading life.)

So here is my list as it stands right now:
Finishing Up My Series TBR list.  Let's take a look, shall we?
  1. The Lotus War books.  There is no good reason for why I haven't finished this series.  The main character is AWESOME.  The world is AWESOME. AND I OWN ALL THREE BOOKS.  Like what is wrong with me?
  2. The Lunar Chronicles.  I loved these books, but for whatever reason whenever I look at how long Winter is, my brain fails.  But this year I will read the last book!!!
  3. Under The Never Sky. I got partway through the last book and just quit.  What is wrong with me??? I really liked the other two books.  *sigh*  I have a problem.
  4. Dust Lands.  I really loved the first book in this series, but the second book and its sibling drama (not to mention that whole rapey type scene at the end) really turned me off.  Still, I do want to find out what happens to Saba, so I need to buckle down and finish that one.
  5. The Fifth Wave.  I was absolutely blown away by the first two books in this series, but I admit I am terrified of what might happen in the conclusion.  I will face my fear and read that book when it releases in FOUR DAYS??? EEP!
  6. Daughter of Smoke and Bone.  Honestly, why in heaven's name haven't I finished this series?  I freaking LOVE Laini Taylor.  Is it just that I'm a coward and I can't face how it might end?  Not sure.
  7. Penryn & The End Of Days. Okay, I'm just afraid that Pen and Rafe don't end up together, so if someone could just spoil that detail for me, I'll finish this series posthaste.
  8. The Heir Chronicles.  It's been so long since I read the last one that I really can't even remember what happened.  I just need to see if they have it on recaptains or something.  Because I loved every one of those stories. :)
  9. Lumatere Chronicles.  I read the first of these books, but honestly, Finnikin didn't excite me very much.  But EVERYONE AND THEIR BROTHER keeps telling me I have to read the other two because they are amazing.  So I added this series to my list.  
So I only have 3 left!  There are two to finish in Lotus War, and two in Lumatere.  There is just one in Dust Lands, so I'll probably go with that one next. :)  I am all about the easy wins.

That's all on my update for now.  I'm reading a lot of unrelated stuff too, and you can check out my goodreads for that. 
Happy Reading!

1 comment:

Laura Swanson said...

I just finished an audiobook that was simply amazing. I got it when I was going in the hospital but finished in in the never ending car pickup lane at the elementary school. Sharon Cameron's The Forgetting. The book is good, but the narrarator makes this one for me infinitely better. If you're ever looking for audio, I totally recommend it.