Sunday, April 21, 2013

Heck Yeah!

Well, guys, I don't want to brag here, but I am seriously kicking ass.  My kid is sleeping. I'm getting good sleep (for once!  Seriously, I'm so paranoid right now that something is going to happen to ruin my wordcount that I'm constantly crossing my fingers.) and my creativity and output are at an all-time high.

I'm writing two, sometimes three times a day and the results are showing.  I finished up another side project, and started a new one, which is great.  My main focus has been Terris, though.  I'm almost finished with part one of Zyander's story and almost halfway through part one of Nikkas.

At this rate, I will more than make my goal of finishing all of part one and will hopefully be a significant amount of finished on the rest of the book.  And boy am I excited, because part two of this book is where stuff gets crazy!  Seriously, the second half of Terris sets up what goes on for the rest of the series.
It's a lot of pressure, frankly, but it's also really exciting!  When this book is finished, it's all downhill from here(in a good way).  Which makes me take a few deep breaths and tell myself to be CALM!!!

The audiobook is coming along.  I have my voice actor, and Compis should be ready in a couple of months, hopefully.  I've never done this before, but I'm hopeful.

That's all for my ROW80 update.  We'll see how things are going next week, but hopefully, they are still going well.  :)

Hope all of my fellow authors are doing well.  I'll have to check around and see.
Happy Reading!


Jennette Marie Powell said...

Congrats on your awesome progress! It's amazing what a difference getting a good night's sleep makes. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!

Anonymous said...

That's not bragging--that's cheering. That's sharing joy!

Let me add my voice here: WOOT

Sometimes you just have to grab your muse with both hands while it tries to escape. Enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

Aren't times like this just the greatest? The feeling stays and helps with the dry times. Enjoy, celebrate, and have a great week!

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell