Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Doing that Indie Thing You do...

Hey there!  Remember that THING, we talked about a few weeks back?  This one, right HERE...
Well, it turns out, that's still a good idea!  What a concept!  For those of you too lazy to follow the link back (admit it, you are) let me just summarize.

As an author, you will get some wonderful reviews (at least, that is my hope for you!). You will get lovely emails, four and five star ratings on various book sites, you may even have your favorite reviewer send you an email telling you that she loved your book.

ON THE OTHER HAND... you will also get plenty of the other variety as well.   People who will call your book bad, say it's only okay, or pretty much ream your writing until you feel like it was a useless endeavor to write in the first place.  If you can't accept that as a FACT, RIGHT NOW, then you have no business in this business.

Seriously, good customer service is the name of the game, folks.  We indies (and not so indie) are running businesses that require absolute professionalism from us at all times.  This means ignoring the stinging one star reviews when they come (AND YES THEY WILL COME) or at the MOST thanking the reviewer for their generous time and effort in reading our work.

We charge people money.  Let's not forget that.  Any product or commodity on the market has fans and haters.  FACT OF LIFE.  That is why there are Mac people, PC people and Linux people.  That is why there are Team Jacob people and Team Edward people (and I HATE TWILIGHT people).

You know what's not great, at least for me?  What's MUCH MUCH WORSE than getting a one star review (which I have gotten, lest we think I'm an arrogant writer person)?  What's much worse than getting a one star review is feeling horrified by another indie author who just can't take the heat.  What is much worse is feeling embarrassed to BE AN INDIE —something that I've always been proud of before.

I'm going to link here because I feel like we all need to take a page from the lesson here, which is NEVER EVER DO THIS.

Posting FORTY reviews (real or not) on a reviewer's blog that YOU SUBMITTED YOUR BOOK TO, will not counteract her critical review of your work.

 WHY did you think it would be a good idea to respond to a one-star review (at least twice now) with a blog post deriding said reviewer and review... how in the world did you think that would help you become an "up and coming author" as you describe yourself??  

To the audience of people who reads this blog... PLEASE remember that the internet is a small world.  Use good judgement and good manners.  And realize one tiny little thing... IF SOMEONE DOESN'T LIKE YOUR BOOK, IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.  Pass it on.

Happy Reading!

PS- ROW update: I have actually been writing, despite a new round of sickness and sleepless nights.  Luka's storyline is closer to being finished and I am really excited about the round of celebration that awaits when I finish that first draft! :)

PPS- For a full update of the reviewer/author drama, of which I highlighted on the indie part, go HERE.


The Daring Novelist said...

One thing for authors to remember -- your ability to resist responding to reviews is a measure of your maturity.

Readers/customers don't need to be mature. Especially if they are really young.

I do think, though, that the indie writing culture -- especially with all the emphasis on marketing and competing for reviews, and social media and rankings, etc., pushes people to revert to a playground mentality.

Maybe if we stopped putting so much emphasis on reviews and rankings and other peer-pressure elements, we'd get fewer writers making bad decisions.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, I clicked on that first link you posted, and didn't even have to read much of what he said to be cringing in embarrassment. My work computer is refusing to load GoodReads for some reason, but I know the types of posts you mean.

I don't have anything published (yet) but with things I post online I make an effort to think about how I would respond, but not actually write anything. I might go whinge about it on my LiveJournal, but I do try to look at it from the other person's point of view and take something from what they say to improve.

Claudia Lefeve said...

GREAT post Kate. I am actually planning on doing a post on reviews (a positive one) on how it's all so relative. I think people forget that everyone has different expectations and likes/dislikes. It's not unlike watching TV. Some folks like Family Guy, others can't stand it.

Recently, I had a 3 star review (but it wasn't really a good review)...the reviewer had a lot of great points and I thanked her for her input. I actually plan on taking some of her advice for book 2! But I'll tell you what...all those 4 and 5 stars from complete strangers (i.e. READERS) make me feel proud to be indie :)

Kate said...

@ Daring Novelist: Agreed! And a very good point you have. It IS a very playground mentality, sometimes, how we get all caught up in the idea that only "some" of us are the GOOD indies. Maybe it's because until recently, there's been quite a bit of stigma attached? If you never get a one star review, then your work must be as good as those traditionally published books, yes?

Seriously, great point!

Kate said...

@spaciireth: Cringing is exactly the right word for it! Remember that blogs are public forums, unless you make them private. It sounds like you have the right mentality, at least in terms of how you plan to start out. Good luck in your writer journey!

Kate said...

@ Claudia: Yeah, my first blog post was more of an informative, positive one. When I started reading about all these instances of authors losing it over negative reviews (and not just indies!) I was very concerned. I look forward to reading your post! Like you, I try to learn what I can from positive and negative reviews. I recently had someone who read my book send an email with some constructive criticism and when I responded positively, she put it in her review! Needless to say, it was a great reminder to be gracious to the people who pay for our work.

Nadja Notariani said... if you have to have the plague, you might as well be creative about the telling! Great song...ahem. ha! I sure hope you are all well now.
Our stomach fun began with a visit from relatives, too! Imagine that! My niece had it the day before father-in-law and brother-in-law traveled. I guess the germs followed her. Sigh. At least it's over right now.

Nadja Notariani said...

Uhm...I'm still foggy brained. That was supposed to go on the plague post. Oh, well.

As for the indie author meltdowns... I hope people won't take the actions of a few and apply their conclusions to all. Poor reviews are a part of writing. I've prepared myself for the moment I get slammed in a public setting, because you've all been good enough to tell me it's coming...ha!
I had a taste of it in an email, and it wasn't pretty. But that's part of writing. We have to learn to accept the good with the bad.
Congrats on being in love with Aeris...that makes the writing so fulfilling!

Vicki Keire said...

Great post, Kate! I totally agree about your "Do Not Engage" policy, and it horrifies me because people do (for better or worse) tend to lump all Indies together. When one of us acts an a** over a one star, and takes it out on the blogger or reviewer, that blogger is much more less likely to even accept Indie books for review in the future. And that makes me kinda sick. Not sick like you've been sick- hope you are better!